Cold Weather Rule
Cold Weather Disconnects
Minnesota Residential Cold Weather Law (MN Statute, Ch 235, Sec. 216B.097) provides that cooperative utilities cannot disconnect a residential consumer between October 11 and April 30 if the disconnection affects the primary heating source, provided that certain conditions are met. These conditions include that the consumer must declare on forms provided by the cooperative an inability to pay, and the household income of the consumer must be less than 60% of the state median income level for their family size. There are several agencies that provide financial assistance to qualifying households. We urge you to check with them for details on available programs.
Financial Assistance Agency Info
Aitkin Co. Health & Human Services - (218) 927-7200
Crow Wing County Community Service - (218) 824-1250
Mille Lacs County Family Service - (320) 983-8208 or (888) 270-8208
Lutheran Social Services (Serving Crow Wing County) - (218) 829-5000 or (800) 829-5902
Lakes & Pines Community Action Council (Serving Aitkin and Mille Lacs Counties) - (320) 679-1800 or (800) 832-6082
To avoid electric service disconnection, arrangements for bill payment need to be made before the line crew is sent to collect. Do not disregard your bill; it is your responsibility. if you have financial difficulties, please contact our billing team to discuss payment arrangements at (218) 429-0430 or (877) 634-4314.
Military Personnel Disconnection Protection
Utility payment Arrangements for Military Personnel (Sec. 325E.028) was added to Minnesota Statutes effective August 1, 2007. This law provides that utility service providers must not disconnect the utility service of a residential customer if a members of the household has been issued orders into active duty, for deployment, or for a permanent change in duty station during the period of active duty, deployment, or change in duty station if such a residential customer:
- Has a household income below the state median household income or is receiving energy assistance and enters in the agreement with the utility service provider under which the residential customer pays 10% of the customer's gross monthly income toward the customer's bill and the residential customer remains reasonably current with those payments.
- Has a household income above the state median household income and enters into an agreement with the utility service provider establishing a reasonable payment schedule the considers the financial resources of the household and the residential customer remains current with payments under the payment schedule.
If you feel you qualify for this disconnection protection, call the Mille Lacs Energy Cooperative billing department and ask for the Military Personnel Protection Form. Do not disregard your bill; it is your responsibility. if you are having financial difficulties, please contact our billing team to discuss payment arrangements at (218) 429-0430 or (877) 634-4314.