Candidate filing for MLEC director positions from Districts Three and Four opens January 2nd!
District Three includes members whose electric account numbers start with 52, 54, 55, 58, or 59. The present director is Harold Harms of McGrath.
District Four includes members whose electric account numbers start with 17, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, or 43. The present director is Aileen DeMenge of McGregor.
If you are an MLEC member receiving electricity in one of the districts listed above and are interested in filing for a director position, call Kassie Peterson at 927-8243 or 800-450-2191 or, email for director election filing forms and a complete information packet.
All filings must be received at the Cooperative by March 3, 2023.
You can find additional district and annual meeting information on the MLEC website
MLEC is a not-for-profit, electric distribution cooperative owned by the members we serve. We provide service to over 13,000 members in parts of Aitkin, Crow Wing, and Mille Lacs counties. Our headquarters is located at 36559 US Highway 169, one mile east of Aitkin, MN.